Eva for Eva magazine

Second issue for Eva for Eva magazine. The magazine is a supplement to Chrisi Eukairia, a newspaper that is the leader in the classifieds media in Greece. At every issue, the role of Eva goes to a non-model, a "real" woman. So this is Elena. Take a look at the first issue here.
Fashion Editor: Elena Trikaliotis
Designers: Mary Tsiverioti (Art Director), Glikeria Zormba, Christina Kalamatianou, Georgia Kolokouri, Katerina Kouroupi, Maria Mpoulieri, Anny Tsampoka
Photographers: Mara Desipris (Fashion)
Fonts: PF Regal by Parachute
Print: Iris S.A.
© Chrisi Eukairia S.A. 2014